How can I get a refund for my VRE ticket?
If you would like to receive a refund for your VRE train tickets, please return your ticket either priority or certified mail (for tracking purposes only) to the address below, with a letter saying why you are returning the pass. Please note that the tickets must be postmarked before the LAST DAY OF PREVIOUS MONTH for full refund (excluding shipping cost, if applicable).
P.O. Box 12176
Arlington, VA 22219
VRE return/refund policies
Single-Ride and Ten-Trip Tickets expire six months after first validation or one year after purchase, and are nonrefundable. Seven-Day Tickets expire five days after first validation or one year from purchase, and are nonrefundable. Monthly Tickets are valid for one calendar month and are refundable under the following conditions:
How can I get a refund for my MARC ticket?
If you would like to receive a refund for MARC a ticket or pass, please return the ticket using either priority or certified mail (for tracking purposes only) to the address below, with a letter of saying why you are returning the ticket. Please note that the tickets must be post marked before LAST DAY OF PREVIOUS MONTH for full refund (excluding shipping cost, if applicable).
P.O. Box 12176
Arlington, VA 22219
MARC return/refund policies
One-Way tickets expire 6 months from date of purchase and are nonrefundable. Weekly tickets are valid for one calendar week and are refundable if the return postmark is dated no later than 11:59 p.m. the Friday prior to the effective week. Monthly tickets are valid for one calendar month and are refundable, based on the return postmark date, as follows:
How can I get a refund for my MTA Commuter Bus ticket?
If you would like to receive a refund for a MTA Commuter Bus ticket or pass, please return the ticket using either priority or certified mail (for tracking purposes only) to the address below, with a letter of saying why you are returning the ticket. Please note that the tickets must be post marked before LAST DAY OF PREVIOUS MONTH for full refund (excluding shipping cost, if applicable).
P.O. Box 12176
Arlington, VA 22219
MTA Commuter Bus return/refund policies
Ten-Trip tickets expire 6 months after date of purchase and are non-refundable. Monthly tickets are valid for one calendar month and are refundable, based on the return postmark date, as follows: